"great buyer. just some confusion as she stat ... " (more)ed. i like this one quite a bit. also due to all the confusion..well i would for sure and no i DO NOT WOULD I DO NOW TRUST HER..THANKS MAAM"
"Seller rocks!! she's way cool with great ... " (more)taste!! i look forward to more of your auctions, thanks again!!! this item is so cute & soft, love it! <3 pinky"
"Awwwwww...that means so much, your feedback. ... " (more) you rule man!!! thanks also for this feedback its so great for my feedback "history" ,but seriously..most importantly isnt that..its that you really i know meant this stuff,and im so so glad that you love the item. i am. now we both can be so freakin fly!! we both as ya know for i told you so many times hehe, we both have one of these dope things!!!! you dolly have fly taste yourself. thanks for the credits as well. so greatly appreciated. i just knew..i had a feeling in my gut, and knew id meet a really cool chick who'd use this,and not as a fad thing..i worrie dfor a second, but then gut came back into action..yayyyyyyyyyy pinkypink!!"
"Have to love her, such an awesome person and an awe ... " (more)some seller!!! one of my favorite people, and such a good person to be friends with!! thank you for the item, my daughter loves hello kitty !!!!lots of love for this person !!"
"a very trustworthy listian. i love her. i am ... " (more) so glad that i came onto listia, for i have met a few really awesome people, and this gal is one of them. i really suggest you check out her stuff, and she really wont stiff ya. shes got a heart of gold, but also not naive at the same time, so all you folks..u shadsters..watch it hehe. no really. she rules"