"I would have left negative feedback, but it wou ... " (more)ldn't let me. She was unpleasant, inconsiderate, unreasonable, and I'm glad I never have to buy anything from this person ever again. Also, for future buyers of her, be aware of what you are getting into."
"Bidder messaged me immediately after winning, in ... " (more)sisting that I send them to him for free. Refused to pay the shipping charge, which was clearly stated in the listing. Obviously was trying to get them for free the whole time."
"Yes got them on the 16 and not the 12 sorr ... " (more)y about that been busy getting stuff for granddaughters party which is soon. So sorry about that. They are so cute she's gonna love it so again thank you."
Jun 17th 2015, 5:50:36 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)