"BEWARE! DO NOT BID!! LOWLIFE SCUM! His EXACT ... " (more) Words we're "Sorry but the hat is worth much more than 3,145 credits, so im not sending it. Repute it so i can refund." DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME OR CREDITS ON THIS RAT! Wants to win big, but cries if he doesnt get enough!!!"
"dont do business with this person. If she ... " (more)does not get what she wants, she will leave nasty comments. Also she will look you up so that she can continue to insult you. Pathethic loser crying about a hat."
"game was as described, but I'm surpris ... " (more)ed it didn't get lost because the envelope it came in had a rip from top to bottom, and it took 7 days, so longer than expected."
Feb 27th 2013, 2:53:45 PM PST (about 12 years ago)