"Hey! :) All is well round the punk’n patch! L ... " (more)OL! Thank you I rcv’d all these seeds in excellent condition!!! Remember...God’s still on the throne!!! :):):) A+++++++Seller hun!!!"
Feb 22nd 2018, 9:22:26 PM PST (almost 7 years ago)
"I wanted this to be a positive transaction &a ... " (more)mp; at first it was until my seeds did not come AGAIN. They might have gotten lost in the mail...idk but just couldn’t take that chance again."
"You knew from your previous experience ... " (more)with me the seeds would come or I'd send more. I don't know what you have going on there at your post office, but I believe you have a thief. I can't control that. Sorry you couldn't have a little faith in a Christian friend you had messaged with several times."
Feb 14th 2018, 12:34:15 PM PST (about 7 years ago)