"I'm so very sorry I realize things do happen ... " (more) but I was messaged & messaged that the package would be sent & never again heard back from or received anything after a a bit over a month of patiently waiting, unfortunately this was a disappointment :("
Oct 16th 2014, 9:12:25 PM PDT (about 10 years ago)
"It took a lil bit to get it but she had s ... " (more)ome things going on and I understood.she kept incontact with me which was Awesome. I luv the shoes... ty"
"VERY VERY HAPPY with the dress- its so prett ... " (more)y:-) and thanks for the really pretty 2 necklaces as well!! SUPER QUICK SHIPMENT- 2 days & from FL to CA:-) ty so much"
Oct 24th 2012, 2:15:19 PM PDT (about 12 years ago)