"Was unable to get on for awhile and did not ... " (more)appreciate the multiple emails from the seller requesting feedback. Changed my feedback from positive to neutral "
Feb 25th 2013, 11:01:17 AM PST (about 12 years ago)
"I had a confirmation from the postal s ... " (more)ervice that it was delivered on the 16th, never heard from the buyer so I sent email to make sure it was delivered. Items were brand new as stated. And if 3 emails asking if they received and to leave feedback was too much, my apologies. "
Feb 25th 2013, 2:53:33 PM PST (about 12 years ago)
"Was unable to get on for awhile and did not ... " (more)appreciate the multiple emails from the seller requesting feedback. Changed my feedback from positive to neutral "
Feb 25th 2013, 11:00:05 AM PST (about 12 years ago)
"I had a confirmation from the postal s ... " (more)ervice that it was delivered on the 16th, never heard from the buyer so I sent email to make sure it was delivered. Items were brand new as stated. And if 3 emails asking if they received and to leave feedback was too much, my apologies. "
Feb 25th 2013, 2:52:04 PM PST (about 12 years ago)
"Was unable to get on to leave feedback for a ... " (more)while and did not appreciate the multiple emails from the seller requesting feedback. Changed my feedback from positive to neutral "
Feb 25th 2013, 10:59:12 AM PST (about 12 years ago)
"I had a confirmation from the postal s ... " (more)ervice that it was delivered on the 16th, never heard from the buyer so I sent email to make sure it was delivered. Items were brand new as stated. And if 3 emails asking if they received and to leave feedback was too much, my apologies. "
Feb 25th 2013, 2:52:40 PM PST (about 12 years ago)