"Seller never sent item out!! Been 12 days and ... " (more)never got contact from them. I guess a very sick person is still able to be on Listia every day but not send out someones item or contact them back for 12 days. I only got contact after I requested a refund and it wasnt nice!!!"
"Dont sell to Sheena. She is rude and ... " (more) inconsiderate and doesnt realize what its like to be ill all the time. She only thinks of herself! "
"my name is johnny hine I am the winner of th ... " (more)e blue necklace my address is 16733 st rt 78 Buchtel ohio 45716 p.o box 307 my little girl will like this necklace"
Apr 12th 2013, 12:16:46 PM PDT (over 11 years ago)