"sorry not sure whats going on with it but if ... " (more) i was to get it back in the mail it will be sent to u anyways once again sorry just got back from christmas vacation"
Dec 30th 2012, 5:34:14 PM PST (about 12 years ago)
"no 1 was home 2 sign 4 package it came bk re ... " (more)turn sender sorry i cant be responsible 4 recievers action it costed me more than the shipping i listed and its just unfair that a neg is giving when item was sent and not sign 4 2 b recieved"
Dec 21st 2012, 5:25:32 PM PST (about 12 years ago)
"Thank you for letting me know what ha ... " (more)ppened. Thank you for still sending me the dolls. Will happily bid from jimmygeans again. Thank you "