"Seller never sent item(s). I sent shippi ... " (more)ng information. After 3 days I asked if item(s) were shipped yet, she said no, had a sickness in family and would mail them out on Monday, which would have been 3 days later. I waited till that Wed and contacted her to ask if she did get them out that Monday. She NEVER responded back to me. I contacted her 2 more times, with no repsonse. I did not hear back from her in over 9 days so I had to request a refund. In which she refunded it no questions. But still, she left me hanging for 15 days total, never got item. She couldn't even answer me back even though it showed her logging into her page on days AFTER my contact had been made. She couldn't just me honest up front and say sorry I never got around to it. If something did happen in the family, I can understand, but when a member has enough time to log into her account, but can't take two seconds to answer me back, something is sadly wrong. Whatever "personal" problem she was "claiming" to have, well it still didn't stop her from signing into the page, so if she had time for that she had time for me, and just refused to do so. DO NOT BUY FROM HER!!!! Proper feedback has been left in this auction, and member has been block so no future transactions can be done with her at all. "
Mar 26th 2012, 12:20:56 AM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"These shoes are absolutely perfect!! Thank ... " (more)s so much for shipping them out so fast despite what happened in your family. I wish you the best and take care of yourself. Thank you so much for the great auction, perfect transaction A+ seller!!"
Apr 30th 2011, 12:14:40 PM PDT (almost 14 years ago)
"has no heart when dealing with people d ... " (more)ress was sent out to her though !!!!!!! God bless you too and i hope you really pray when it comes to dealing with situations like these when a family member dies you really dont have the time or thought to deal with everything all at once!"
Apr 29th 2011, 6:51:33 PM PDT (almost 14 years ago)