"I've never dealt with someone so rude in ... " (more) my life! I will never deal with you again! Telling me I'm rude? You we're straddling the line of harassing me! Its not my fault that YOU didn't read the ad. Tries opening two cases against me while selling the item for twice as much as she paid for it!"
"Awesome A++++ seller! Super great items as de ... " (more)scribed! Fast shipping! Love love the charms and thank you for the jump rings :) Merry Christmas and thanks again!"
"I wish everyone was as sweet as you! You are ... " (more) absolutely a great listian! 4 star's!!! If your ever looking for specific things just let me know and you'll get my best price for you!!!! Many Blessings and Merry Christmas!"
"I'm SO happy that you are happy!! You ar ... " (more)e an awesome person to work with !! I truly hope that we can work together again!!!! Take Care !!! Suzanne"