"Never received item nor had any communica ... " (more)tion as to why the item never shipped. Gave the seller the full 7 days and still had to have credits refunded by Listia."
Apr 16th 2013, 8:46:21 PM PDT (almost 12 years ago)
"Item never received, nor even listed as having ... " (more)been shipped. No communication whatsoever from seller, and credits had to be refunded by Listia, due to the seller's failure to respond."
Mar 8th 2013, 6:11:12 AM PST (almost 12 years ago)
"She never sent this item. Tried to work wit ... " (more)h her since she said death in family. Was very understanding since I just went through 3 family deaths in the last 3 weeks. But still no response. Got my credits back through Listia. She never responded."
Mar 4th 2013, 1:14:17 PM PST (almost 12 years ago)