"So happy you are happy with this ... " (more) photo of young Elvis. Sorry took me so long to send a positive feedback, still learning how to use Lista."
May 8th 2013, 5:46:51 AM PDT (almost 12 years ago)
"Sop happy you loved these cards, ... " (more) and will continue to enjoy them. I am just learning to use Lista, so apologize for such a late feedback. Appreciate your comments greatly."
May 8th 2013, 5:57:02 AM PDT (almost 12 years ago)
"Yes, Amanda, guess I am still le ... " (more)arning the ropes at Lista. Points transferred quickly after receipt with a positive feedback. Thank you!"
May 8th 2013, 5:17:03 AM PDT (almost 12 years ago)