"Funny how I have a refund here, you know Why? ... " (more) Because she relisted immediatley, I had to rebuy them, so my credits got refunded. I dont usually leave neg feedback but in this case, lady you got caught cheating me, sorry. Avoid. It was junk anyway. Cheating listians are the worst. "
"Never verified her address. Then for Mac tha ... " (more)t I followed the rules and relished the item. Rheem buys it again and sends threatening messages. What a loon!"
"Relisted immediately without even contacting ... " (more)me, then finally sent. It's junk. Do not buy. Horrible attitude, just out to steal credits. "
"Avoid. She doesn't think Listia rules ap ... " (more)ply to her. I consulted Listia staff on the problem. She left negative messages on the auction and in my inbox, mad at me because of her mistake. The she refused to acknowledge that she received the item. Petty. Blocked."