"I am very sorry. When you do get it ... " (more) please notify me and Listia. Your feedback may be able to be "undated" then too. Again very sorry, don't know why it's taking so long, everyone else got theres and all set out at same time on same day? Thank you. "
"I'm sorry but, I guarantee they ... " (more) are in the mail. I sent them all out at the same time, and some have received theirs other said they have it. But they are in the mail and should/hopefully be there soon. Please let me know when you get them, thank you and sorry for the slow mail. "
"I'm sorry but it's in the m ... " (more)ail...... If you get it, can you let me know on here, just private message me so I know. I have been going crazy over that necklace....????? "
May 18th 2015, 6:58:44 PM PDT (almost 10 years ago)