"Of you got more CD's and I go the credit ... " (more)s :) also looking for Country and older singers Like George Cloone yor whatever for my grandmother patsy cline, loretta, etc :) "
"Can't wait to get my new CD that I just ... " (more)won would you guys and gals like to win a great CD go check out this sellers site she has a lot of real nice CDs up on the Auction Block "
Jan 30th 2010, 6:27:31 PM PST (about 15 years ago)
"I just won another GREAT C. D. would you lik ... " (more)e to win a Great CD go check out this sellers site you are sure to fine one you want or two or three and when you find one you want place a bid "
Jan 30th 2010, 6:25:14 PM PST (about 15 years ago)