"I am putting this all in caps because i ... " (more) want everyone on listia to see this the best they can. this seller is absolutely fabulous and amazing! not only did they send the card in two (2) days there was plenty extra in the package. they went way!! above all to do there best to please me above my exspectations. i wish all members were like this and i hope they continue to show the devotion to all listia members that they have shown me. that is why i have taken the time to put this in my listing reply so listia will see. here is the link to the auction i won if anyone wants to view this persons item's they may have for sale now and in the future.....thank you. very dedicated and lighting fast shipper loribaisden! here is the link because we can't search by members i.d. at this time.,,,,,,,http://www.listia.com/auction/75613"
Feb 4th 2010, 1:06:00 PM PST (almost 15 years ago)