"Thank you for the bid. I hope the book wor ... " (more)ks for you. I'm surrounded by men, so it didn't do me any good. Farmers don't appreciate design. ;)"
Mar 29th 2016, 1:51:51 PM PDT (almost 9 years ago)
"My pleasure! They were delegated to the bo ... " (more)ttom of the toy box, in need of love! I'll keep my eye out for the runaway! Thanks for the bids."
"You're very welcome! I am always on th ... " (more)e prowl for recipes, too. These were duplicates, given to me, so I have these magazines, too. Happy Cooking :)"
"It's great that you finally got it. It ... " (more) boggles the mind how the mail system takes the long way around! Thanks for the patience...and the bids. "
"I'm grateful that you were happy with ... " (more)everything.Thank you for your bids! I hope that you enjoy making the recipes you have such fond memories of!"