"I hope you have everything by now..the ... " (more)others I sent on the same day have theirs, but you live farther away. Let me know AAAAAA+++++++buyer"
Feb 4th 2014, 12:04:05 PM PST (almost 11 years ago)
"I absolutely Love this buyer...she is s ... " (more)ooo sweet...it akes me want to live in tne same county so we could shop and visit AAAAAAA+++++++ buyer"
Feb 1st 2014, 6:56:46 AM PST (almost 11 years ago)
"I love this buyer..he is great! I hope ... " (more)you are happy with everything...if so I will look you up when I put up the 1 caret diamond tennis bracelet..real diamonds!AAAAA+++++ buyer"
Jan 27th 2014, 2:58:46 PM PST (almost 11 years ago)