"Negative, Negative, Negative Never heard fro ... " (more)m him after I won and I never received the CD. Just tied up my points for 16 days before Listia gave them back to me. Welcome to "My Block Party" As Gomer Pyle USMC said "Shame, Shame, Shame!"
"The object of this site is to post and actuall ... " (more)y ship the item won to the winner. Please keep this in mind when you post items on this site."
May 11th 2016, 4:40:43 AM PDT (almost 9 years ago)
"I truly appreciate me getting my credits bac ... " (more)k but it does not change what you pulled But I always go e credit where credit is do and I do not treat anyone any way that they did not earn with their own actions I will leave you alone from here good luck you will need it doing what you did to me."
Mar 20th 2016, 5:54:25 PM PDT (almost 9 years ago)
Never heard fro ... " (more)m him after I won and I never received the CD.
Just tied up my points for 16 days before Listia gave them back to me.
Welcome to "My Block Party"
As Gomer Pyle USMC said "Shame, Shame, Shame!"