"I communicated with the buyer about my issue ... " (more)s just having moved, she understood, requested a refund, and was very nice. After I get everything unpacked and start listing again hope to see this buyer again."
"Been having issues with post office since my ... " (more) recent move. Explained this to buyer, offered to help as much as I could and did not want to spend the extra money for tracking which according to buyer seems like no big deal even when your broke and poor which is why you use listia to begin with."
"Very hard to get them to e-mail me, doesn't ... " (more) answer questions/makes excuses. I gave them plenty of time, waiting 17 days to ask for refund. "
"I communicated with buyer. Recently moved an ... " (more)d had an issue with the mail. Have negative feedback and said I never responded to any e-mails even when I did. Very difficult to deal with."
Oct 28th 2013, 11:06:21 AM PDT (over 11 years ago)