"impatient person and a lyer no he got the ... " (more) item and the credits back dont let him buy from you he is a lyer he wants his credits and item to just like a newbie"
"Said in description it was brand new it ai ... " (more)n't. It has pin holes in the top corners, tape on bottom, crease marks from being folded a few times, got scratched, & missing color in several places on front"
" she is mad cause i had to fold it to shi ... " (more)p it i told her if she wanted it in a poster holder she could pay the 10 bucks and she didnt want to do it im 9 mths pregnant and shipped it the way i said i would this is a newbie 4 ya"
"she won the item but didnt want to pay th ... " (more)e shipping cost she wanted SPECIAL treatment cause she is a newbie she wanted me to ship it to her for free knowing there was a shipping fee when she won the item i told her i couldnt do that cause listia rules are rules and i wouldnt break them"