"Seller did ship but never communicated with ... " (more)me. I had already requested refund when i received. But seeing how much $$ seller paid for ship, i cancelled request. Thanks for border. Have a nice day. "
Mar 30th 2015, 9:31:40 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"Winner was not patient enough to receive p ... " (more)ackage before filing for return of credits..but I have my delivery confirmation. I have no negative feedback here..or on E-Bay where it is 100%...so a little stunned someone would not give me a chance to respond."
Mar 30th 2015, 8:57:27 PM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"I LOVE these! Thank you! Also - you wrapped th ... " (more)em SO well for mailing - that means a lot to me. I'll make sure to keep watching your auctions. Have a great day! Dawn : )"
Mar 20th 2015, 6:17:55 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)