"So, I got the beanie baby today, it came ... " (more) early, yet instead of a certifeid box/envolope the user put the item in a paper bag, rolled it up to be like a giant pill sized package, its was taped, But the item was damaged becouse of the packaging. I payed 2$ shipping, I expected a MUCH better packaging, Since I payed 2$ I thought it would be better packaged..... but the item go damaged... "
Apr 21st 2012, 12:46:05 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"You did not notify me of any damage or a ch ... " (more)ance to fix it. It was in a sealed plastic bag, like you asked for. I told you how I would be shipping it. You did not pay for Certified mail, just regular mail, so that is how it was sent. I am sorry you are unhappy with the cat, wish I could have had a chance to correct it. "
Apr 22nd 2012, 1:39:51 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)