"I can't blame you so i give you back positi ... " (more)ve i hope that necklace goes to a good people lol, am not giving you negative is just for fair..."
Apr 10th 2010, 4:12:16 PM PDT (almost 15 years ago)
"great buyer.. buyer said it never made it to ... " (more) her which I'm very sorry for... thinking it got lost in mail.. but was more than happy to agree to credits being given back to her"
Apr 10th 2010, 3:38:57 PM PDT (almost 15 years ago)
"This arrived today, thank you very much, it ... " (more)is definatly very pretty. Great auction and seller. Recommend highly. Plan to waer it on my leather vest!!!Recommed highly!!!"
Apr 5th 2010, 6:59:34 PM PDT (almost 15 years ago)