"You're so welcome! i'm so glad your ... " (more) wife is happy with the ring! Thank you for the kind words! It's listians like yourself that keeps listia fun and a positive experience!"
"Great experience! A pleasure to work with! ... " (more)Glad to have had the opportunity to make another listia friend!! Wishing you all the best of luck!"
Feb 25th 2014, 6:57:03 PM PST (about 11 years ago)
"Hope you are happy with your new ring! Than ... " (more)k you again for your winning bid! Another great listian, of the many ive had the pleasute to work with!"
Feb 26th 2014, 8:50:04 AM PST (about 11 years ago)
"Thisbrcelet is absolutely gorgeous Unfortu ... " (more)nately it is too small for me so I will have to give it as a gift. But someone will be thrilled on her birthday. Thank you for your imput and experience It made this so easy"
Feb 24th 2014, 4:42:58 PM PST (about 11 years ago)