"Some nerve! If I won it you should have ... " (more)sent it. you the one said when bids get to a certain amount you'd add whatever..so technically its NOT my fault you didn't get a million credits for something that was won fair and square...it was the people's choice for NOT BIDDING, you can't blame that on me"
" No, Positive here just Neutral not sure ... " (more) if she knew what she was doing., She messed up my auction by telling her bids. So I really don't know why? "
"I see you left feed back did the post of ... " (more)fice finally delivery the item? Or did you just give the feed back because you received your credits.? Happy Holidays and God Bless you and yours!"
Nov 28th 2015, 10:55:12 PM PST (about 9 years ago)
"I want to thank you very much my grandda ... " (more)ughter is going to love this and thanks for the penny I hope it brings me lists of luck I need it,,,,Robin"