"I would never win an auction from th ... " (more)is person again. They took longer then 7 day's to send it, blamed me saying i was trying to get the item, my money back and credits. Then mailed it to the wrong house, again my fault. Beware of this person."
May 31st 2014, 11:24:45 AM PDT (over 10 years ago)
"Beaware of this person she is a scam artist she ... " (more) tried too gdt her credits back saying I never sent the dvd and plus sent it too the wrong address the I sent it out on time and plus I did not put the wrong address she is a scamartist beware she might scam you too"
May 31st 2014, 12:35:32 PM PDT (over 10 years ago)
"I am sorry if the seller did not get the game i ... " (more)t is not my fault it was shipped out usps must have lost it the buyer had a hissy fit so beware of having this guy buy anything from you he acted like a big big baby "
"Very very disrespectful buyer tried too get his ... " (more) credits back by saying I did not have a paypal account and I do the buyer is the only one who had trouble with it nobody else did "