"I'm so relieved that you have received the Sh ... " (more)oney`s teddy bear. Thank you for leaving a positive feedback and letting me know you received it. "
"I love the jewelry box and I know that Car ... " (more)lee will love it too; she can put her little jewelry in it. I want to also say thank you very much for sending the other package too; it was so very sweet and thoughtful of you. Carlee will love the rabbit too. Thanks so much I have a new friend now."
"Thank you for being a wonderful buyer. Your wel ... " (more)come for the second package. My heart was so affected by what you have been through. When you see Carlee, give her a hug for me, ok?"
"I'm sorry, I just found out that I forgot to ... " (more)leave a positive feedback. I hope you liked the earrings. Thank you for bidding on my auction. "
"Got it today and just love it! Let me know if y ... " (more)ou sell any others similar to this. I am always looking for big soup bowels. Thanks again."
"yes I'll do that. I still have boxes of my ... " (more)mother's things to look through. Great buyer. Looking forward to doing business with this buyer again. "