"5 Stars-⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️-❤️-Happy-Happy ... " (more) May-Sending You Spring Flowers-Top Seller-The Best-Love It-So Awesome-Thanks So Much-A+++--Always A Pleasure My Friend-Have A Blessed Day-❤️-H-U-G-S-❤️-Please Be Safe & Well-Happy Everything To You-❤️H❤️U❤️G❤️S-Many Blessings To For A Better 2023"
May 29th 2023, 8:07:30 AM PDT (almost 2 years ago)
"Aa++thank you kindly. it's so beautiful ... " (more). highly recommend you to all to all dear sweet friend. god bless always. my boy's graduated to 7nth & 5th grade. sorry for delay. received yesterday. ✝️❤️✝️❤️"
May 26th 2023, 4:25:48 AM PDT (almost 2 years ago)