"i am so glad you like them, i will be posti ... " (more)ng more , the newest ones i just got done i think people willl love them, i will be posting next week,"
Oct 19th 2015, 12:34:26 PM PDT (about 9 years ago)
"Soon as I ripped the packed the reeking smell of ... " (more)smoke hit my like a train I understand some people DO smoke BUT this is just repulsive!!! Also isn't very patient i will not hit received or write a review before I actually receive the item. "
Oct 13th 2015, 10:46:22 AM PDT (about 9 years ago)
"well i do not know what you are smelling bu ... " (more)t maybe it was the dryer sheet i put in the package, just wash it by hand in cold water with mild soap, it is not smoke that you are smelling , sorry "