"Unfortunately this arrived broken. It wa ... " (more)s a beautiful piece. I'll see if it can be repaired. Seller is nice to work with. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful piece."
May 7th 2014, 5:14:45 AM PDT (almost 11 years ago)
"I sent her a mssg and told her I was sorry I ... " (more)forgot to ship them that I would ship them and something extra on saturday when I have the money and she didnt respond I tried to make it right im sorry im on a fixed income and can only ship on certain days...."
Apr 21st 2014, 5:06:53 PM PDT (almost 11 years ago)
"OMG what more can I say. This is a beaut ... " (more)iful set. They arrived safe and sound. They are in my china cabinet shinning bright. I love these and will take good care of them. Thanks for sharing."
Apr 15th 2014, 7:00:35 PM PDT (almost 11 years ago)