"she understood the situation I was going t ... " (more)hrough. Unfortunately I was unable to follow through. My situation has worsened and just was unable to come through. "
Nov 22nd 2014, 12:44:47 PM PST (over 10 years ago)
"Omg!!!! you should see all the xtras sh ... " (more)e sent me! the baskets are gorgeous! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa++++++++++++++++++++++seller!!!!!!!"
"I'm glad everything went smoothly and ... " (more)that your husband is pleased. Thanks for giving the shipping so quickly or it wouldn't have been mailed Til this weekend! Lol enjoy"
"Great Listian the transaction went smoothl ... " (more)y and seller was understanding of the ever so slight delay. So I sent extra "rocks" i'm glad she liked."
"Thanks. Sorry for the delay wasn't thi ... " (more)nking about the timeline for the auction and my moving. But I'm glad you got the case and are enjoying it."