"Never got was delivered to wrong house or ... " (more)stolen but yet calls me a list. Why lie I wanted them she wouldn't even give me a tracking number so I could help on my end. Not a good Listian.."
"Warning!!!! i gave this buyer the tracking ... " (more) # and she still denies receiving the item! i shipped it to the address she gave me it's not my fault it went "missing" what's wrong with her is she wanted her credits back b/c of her screw up not mine. beware this buyer tries to cheat the system!!"
"i dont recall being rude. and i wasnt mad becau ... " (more)se you didnt ship them. How do you know i was mad? I broke my phone and wasnt able to check my listia account and i couldnt remember if you sent ur paypal info. Excuse me for being human. Have a good day."
"NEGATIVE was rude and expected a refund b/ ... " (more)c she never told me how she would pay for shipping then got mad b/c i didn't ship without payment being sent. Policies R 2 B read not ignored."