"I give this seller my highest recommendat ... " (more)ions for their fast shipping and the ease of working with them. I refer to them as STELLAR SELLERS!"
"Here is what I call a STELLAR SELLER!!! ... " (more)They are really quick to ship and great to work with! I highly recommend their auctions to everyone!!!"
"I'm really really enjoying this item (w ... " (more)ell items). I got a few surprises as well. Thank you for the extra Beethoven CD. I love the 5th symphony but the 6th is my favorite.What are the cards I got and where can I find the others? I would love to have the whole music dictionary."
"I'm so glad u r happy!!! U r welcome!!! ... " (more) I got them from a company called "The Classical Composers" Don't know addy anymore...sorry. Enjoy!!!"
"Gorgeous necklace my grandmother is going to ... " (more)love it. She is fighting breast cancer. Thank you. I highly recommend doing business with you again:)"
Aug 21st 2014, 10:18:47 PM PDT (over 10 years ago)
"thank you for contacting me as fast as u cou ... " (more)ld. it is on it's way to u...glad u got ur addy to me...just in time...before i re-listed=) enjoy the movie!!! congratulations!!! and ty!"