"Probably one of the most honest sellers on L ... " (more)istia! Got my nickel today! This seller has the highest level of integrity ever. Fast shipper too. This will be used for benefit auction for Iraq Veteran! Thanks for a great deal!"
"Thanks,, i was having the worst day,, till you w ... " (more)rote this, i would give it all for the Veteran,, i lost my little brother in 2009 in Fallujah,, I really miss him !!! Thank You So Much!!! Very trustworthy ,, hope you come to more auctions!!!"
"I am so disapointed that I didn't ... " (more)get what you described in auction. I knew the picture was different but you said the coins would be better than pictured which was totally untrue. They are in bad shape. Thanks for the extra anyway. I guess this kinda makes up...."
"yeah ,,them liberty nickels was real wore out,,, ... " (more)that is why i put so many buffalo nickels and other nickels in there , ,, i want to at least send you some of them but,,i have you on the mail list to send you better nickels when i get them in sorry but ,sorry i will get u 2 better ones thanks!!!"
"There is something wrong with this seller.I waite ... " (more)d 11 days for my item and all I got were messages I could not understand.Seems like all excuses and no action.DO NOT TRUST!!!"