"Received the buttons and right away I dumped ... " (more) them out. I needed small buttons for a design I'm making in a shadow box for a Christmas present (we haven't gotten together yet) I'm making for my Sister In-Law. Thanks for the glass jar - very nice."
Jan 29th 2016, 12:18:12 PM PST (about 9 years ago)
"You're very welcome. If you are needin ... " (more)g some different buttons I will send you some if you just pay the shipping. I have alot more. A+++ seller"
"I'm so sorry I haven't let you know ... " (more)I received the buttons. I have MS and have been having some problems lately - not at all in my schedule! Anyway when I got the buttons I put a towel on the floor and emptied them all out - what a collection. Put them in a very pretty blue glass jar."
"You're very welcome. U'm going to ... " (more)be listing more buttons. I've come across a whole bunch more in ny Granma's stuff and alot of these are glass. I will let you know before I post them and wih a GIN of 75,000. Thank you for bidding"
"Glad you like it. I have the lock that goe ... " (more)s with it but some one cut the rod on it but it's really pretty. I would have put it in but found after shipping. Let me know and I'll let you know shipping $"