"Seller charged me $3 shipping for 2 aucti ... " (more)ons, but only spent $0.88 on 2 stamps to ship in a regular envelope..the package was tore during shipping because it wasn't shipped securely, and I lost both games. Seller DID ship items, but I had to have my credits refunded by Listia because of the shipping mess."
Jun 9th 2010, 9:49:54 AM PDT (almost 15 years ago)
"Seller charged me $3 shipping for 2 aucti ... " (more)ons, but only spent $0.88 on 2 stamps to ship in a regular envelope..the package was tore during shipping because it wasn't shipped securely, and I lost both games. Seller DID ship items, but I had to have my credits refunded by Listia because of the shipping mess."
Jun 9th 2010, 9:49:44 AM PDT (almost 15 years ago)
"Paid $2 to ship this, just received item ... " (more)today with a note attached from my mailman saying I had to pay another $.78 for postage due as envie only had 1 first class stamp on it. "
Jun 1st 2010, 10:46:22 PM PDT (almost 15 years ago)