"Listia's best seller ever! If you do ... " (more)not bid on her auctions, you will be missing out on a real chance of a lifetime to meet wonderful lady! I wholeheartedly recommend her auctions to everyone!"
"Super awesome seller who is also a wonder ... " (more)ful person and friend, as well! Her auctions can be trusted implicitly and I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to bid on them! I have won many of her auctions and can say she is undoubtedly the best seller on Listia today---as well as a wonderful person!!!"
"This lady is the most amazing person and ... " (more)fantastic seller you will find on Listia today---or, possibly, ever!!! I have been an extremely satisfied customer of hers for some time and have also made a great friend in her! I wholeheartedly recommend her auctions and urge you to bid away!!!"