"Winner of item opened dispute less than a week ... " (more)from winning, paid extra out of my pocket for two day shipping but winner then stated numerous complaints with item. Agreed to refund when item was shipped back. Ovr a mnth later no item and a no good tracking #so no refund was given by Listia dispute."
Apr 28th 2015, 1:40:00 PM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"I had unforeseen personal troubles that came up ... " (more) so it was not intentional I assure you. I'm sorry that this didn't work out but I have absolutely no problem refunding your shipping and the only reason I haven't as of yet is because I haven't been online so the comment was really unnecessary. "
"Great item after it was cleaned....shipped wi ... " (more)thin required time and seller was good to answer my questions. But Item was sent without the USB that was stated to come with the gaming system in order to charge it......and smelled like an ASH TRAY!!!"
"This feedback was not only unnecessary but untr ... " (more)uthful as well, First it was not stated in the auction that it would come with a usb, second ALL items I send out that are not new are well cleaned, third, there is no smoking in my home whatsoever. I offered to send you a usb but I'm sure u can manage "
"Quick shipping. Item is great already have ... " (more) pictures playing on it. It also looks brand new as well. Great deal Greater Seller! Highly recommend. A+A+ all the way!"
Jul 24th 2014, 11:37:15 PM PDT (over 10 years ago)