"Bad! Bad! Bad! This whole ordeal took 7 months and ... " (more) it has just been such a waiting game. The recipient the painting is for is totally not happy with how it looks like following the lines, and worst of all is the canvas smells all of cigarette smoke! Plus, the canvas is cheaply made. Certainly not worth the 7,827 credits and spending $59.44 for a larger canvas! Will not be hanging this cigarette infested canvas and will not deal with this artist ever again. Too bad there's no Negative button for feedback."
Jun 9th 2012, 10:40:47 AM PDT (almost 13 years ago)
"Amazing buyer and commissioner. patient and c ... " (more)aring, anyone would be lucky to have a customer like this! Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy the art! "
Mar 13th 2012, 8:51:34 AM PDT (about 13 years ago)
"Awesome artist, super drawing...a++++ yes ... " (more)i had to wait on my artwork for a bit, but it was all worth the wait....he did an awesome job on the drawing of my husband and i ...can't say enough about him...if someone ever has him do a drawing of you...the waiting of it will be worth it....they always say, everything good comes to those who wait......a+++++ "
"Respect always goes both ways and this is the ... " (more)most respectful person I have had the pleasure of meeting his art work is stunning and I think he is one of the talented artist around. AAAAAAAA+++++"