"Awwww aren't they sweet? LOL Thank ... " (more)you for letting me know it made it safe and sound. I'm sorry that I forgot to send you the tracking number earlier. "
Nov 18th 2012, 11:58:44 AM PST (over 12 years ago)
"A zillion A++++++s...I LOVE the Kawaii stationary ... " (more) grabbie I won from this auction! Fabulous variety, adorably cute stickers, memo sheets and more. Very well packaged...happy winner! Thank you so much! :) I'll be watching for more of your Kawaii auctions."
"HOLY CRAP THAT GOT THERE FAST!! LOL Thank ... " (more)you so much for the positive feedback. WOW, I'm still baffled how it got there that fast. Thank you again! :)"
Nov 17th 2012, 11:10:41 AM PST (over 12 years ago)