"Great Listian :-) thanks and enjoy ya t ... " (more)reasure Hun :-) going to list more once I find the box I stashed em in lol still cleaning my room here :-) "
Jan 15th 2013, 4:08:37 PM PST (about 12 years ago)
"Thanks for your bid Hun. I'm going ... " (more)to print a bigger label tomorrow at library and drop it in mail for you on Saturday. Thanks from Jamie"
"You're welcome lol I get a bit OCD ... " (more)with cutting the BTFEs out just right. Cutting them out just right makes it easier for me to put more in the container I store them in until I auction them off. Thanks from Jamie that auction was last for now. I will have more in prob 2 months. "
Dec 24th 2012, 8:04:25 AM PST (about 12 years ago)