"I got the ring yesterday, and its so pret ... " (more)ty. I'm really surprised at how it shines, and its so dainty, I love it Thank You for putting it on lista. ~ Lisa ~"
May 30th 2015, 4:52:56 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"Awesome News Lisa and I am so glad that y ... " (more)ou loved the ring. I so love this ring as well and so was hoping that you be as well. So hope to be sending you some more pretty things your way in the near future.. *smiles*"
Jun 1st 2015, 8:35:45 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"Many thanks Eillen I am so happy that it ... " (more)has arrived and that you're so happy with the ring and that it fit you. I so hope that I can be sending you some more packages in the near future. *smiles* AAA+++ Buyer!"
Jun 1st 2015, 8:33:00 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"Carlos I haven't heard from you so I ... " (more)can only presume that the ring made it to you. I so hope you liked it and that hopefully I can be sending you something beautiful again in the near future.. * smiles *"
"I am so very happy that you finally recei ... " (more)ved your ring and it fit you and I'm so deeply sorry you were in the hospital.. my prayers are with you on a very speedy recovery. Best wish to you and hopefully I can be sending you more pretty items in the near future. * smiles *"
May 27th 2015, 12:49:09 PM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"I am so thankful that the ring got there ... " (more)so fast .. and will enjoy it for many years to come.. maybe I`ll be sending you more in the future."
May 15th 2015, 3:29:35 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"I am so glad that it arrived quickly and ... " (more)safely to you and most of all that you loved it. I so hope to be sending you more items in the near future.. *smiles* "
May 4th 2015, 2:13:57 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"awesome so deeply sorry for my long delay ... " (more) I am so happy that you loved this ring and it got there quickly and you enjoy it, hoping to send you more beautiful packages in the future.. *smiles*"
May 21st 2015, 5:12:51 PM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"So deeply sorry for the delay in respondi ... " (more)ng to this but I am so happy that you've received your ring and hoping that in the near future that I can be sending you yet another pretty package your way.. Enjoy and thanks so much for bidding on my auction.. * smiles *"
May 27th 2015, 12:55:13 PM PDT (almost 10 years ago)