"Thank You so much, now you just have to ... " (more) get down to a scratch golfer. Thank You again and Blessings to You and Yours in Jesus Christ Holy Name, Frank"
"Listia refunded my credits because they fou ... " (more)nd this auction was misrepresented. He sent me a cheap modern 02/2007, broken pocket watch with plastic innards and a broken hinge. It was not vintage, mint condition, sterling silver or anything else he claimed."
Nov 22nd 2014, 12:30:19 PM PST (about 10 years ago)
"This person is a thief. The honest thin ... " (more)g is to return my watch. I object to this person getting credits and my watch and it was NOT misrepresented."
Nov 21st 2014, 1:47:03 PM PST (about 10 years ago)