"Thank you for refunding your tiered auction f ... " (more)rom 7 days ago (You never sent the $10.00 winning Walmart gift card). Failed to keep agreed arrangements of 24-hr delivery and one-week delivery (you broke your promises) after the end of the auction. You had plenty of time to send the gift card info."
May 19th 2017, 3:20:18 PM PDT (almost 8 years ago)
"I tried to give the gift card. My daughte ... " (more)r had to have emergency surgery and she is 3, which I had stated. I said I would send the winner the gift card today. Apparently it was to much to ask. Sorry for the inconvenience but I had to attend to my daughter, it was not optional. "
May 19th 2017, 1:04:08 PM PDT (almost 8 years ago)