"Awww your so sweet , You deserve noth ... " (more)ing less than the very best , A+++ to infinite and beyond =)) it's a pleasure doing business with you !!!! " , your truly wonderful , Thanks so much Made my day Again !!!!"
Apr 18th 2017, 11:59:42 PM PDT (almost 8 years ago)
" A+++ You have won multiple listings , ... " (more) i couldn't ask for anyone / anything to go any better You inspire me to keep the listing price the same (non profit) Wonderful having a Winner i can trust Thank You for being you! & For kind speedy feedback =)"
Apr 12th 2017, 8:37:43 PM PDT (almost 8 years ago)
" A+++ You have won multiple listings ... " (more), i couldn't ask for anyone / anything to go any better You inspire me to keep the listing price the same (non profit) Wonderful having a Winner i can trust Thank You for being you! ,"
Apr 12th 2017, 8:33:22 PM PDT (almost 8 years ago)
"hello my sweet listian neighbor, g ... " (more)oing thru my auctions Got very worried for a sec that u didnt get your win BUT Then realized you'd left feedback on one of the 2 wins i sent together ,Whew,scared me a min. as id hate if i let a member down Especially someone kind as you , Have great day =)) "
Mar 16th 2017, 3:52:06 AM PDT (almost 8 years ago)
"A pleasure doing business with you, to ... " (more) be perfectly honest your the only reason i keep the price where it is instead of raising it to match up with the other sellers charging so much more As long as it's you interested in my auctions i'll keep it the same,Your a classy, kind wonderful lady, T.y"
Mar 16th 2017, 3:28:05 AM PDT (almost 8 years ago)
"A+++ to infinite and beyond =)) it ... " (more)is people like you that keep me happy being a listia member and what you said just now has made my day , THANK YOU For that AND For the speedy feedback , Honestly, your the best Canadian member here i ever met !!!! it's a pleasure serving you !!!! "
Mar 16th 2017, 3:13:16 AM PDT (almost 8 years ago)
"A+++ Thanks for the speedy feedback, S ... " (more)orry i took so long, thought i'd done it, you deserved it sooner , Your a Wonderful person , A Generous person shopping here but not for yourself All Husbands should be so lucky Hope it's ok i said that,, Were all lucky to have you here, Thanks for being you !"
Mar 16th 2017, 3:39:15 AM PDT (almost 8 years ago)
"Your A++ Listian, I Am very happy to b ... " (more)e helpful to you & to those i donate the items i win, i could just buy items instead of buying the cards but i enjoy the fun of winning items i donate AND Pleasing a Great Listian , You ! With each card i please 3 people at least Thank You so much !"