"Madeline is absolutely thrilled, I put some of th ... " (more)e picture pages up for her birthday on the 14th of December but she is using the ones with her name printed as her sleep over invites for her birthday, she says and I quote " she is way nice she should get all the listia points!!!" Thanks so much, Laura"
Nov 17th 2011, 7:40:52 PM PST (about 13 years ago)
"Great buyer!!! Easy to work with! Excellent ... " (more) communication! Recommended Listian!!! I am so happy Madeline got her package & tell her she's the coolest for winnin my auction! Hope she enjoys it & also has a very Happy Birthday in less than a month!!! ;o)"
Nov 18th 2011, 6:58:34 PM PST (about 13 years ago)