"I am glad you like them hun.If you decide t ... " (more)o get the whole set,you can find "Global Border" at Fingerhut.Good buyer.She clicked on "got it" right away."
"The little devil is awesome and this seller G ... " (more)oodgirl is everything she says fast response fast delivery no delays and a great product so if you're going to buy buy from her"
"You are very welcome.Glad you like it.If yo ... " (more)u want an even bigger one than that,go to Mars grocery store at beginning/during football srason:)"
"Buyer let me know leg was sewn on.I had no ... " (more)idea,really.I called my mom and asked her after buyer told me about leg.My mom said yes,that she sewed it on.I am new at auctioning things.I should have checked it first."