"This is an incredibly awesome and generou ... " (more)s auction. Thank you SO INCREDIBLY much. I sincerely hope that you know by now how much I appreciate you and all that you do for me. It means the world to me...it really does. You're truly one of the best on here. ❤ WONDERFUL seller and Listian!!"
Feb 14th 2017, 11:53:04 AM PST (about 8 years ago)
"i appreciate ur sweet feedback every time lo ... " (more)ve♡ i appreciate all u do for me as well :) thank u so much for selling to me & buying from me! i'm so so so happy ur pleased with everything, can't wait to buy/sell with u again :) one of the best listian's on here by far!! xoxo"
Feb 14th 2017, 11:55:30 AM PST (about 8 years ago)