""I hate to leave Neg FB, but I was ... " (more) SO unbelievably patient with seller while she worked personal issues out and had to delay shipment. However, it never came later, and then seller would not respond. Requested refund, then had to wait for Listia!! Bad business.."
"I hate to leave Neg FB, but I was SO un ... " (more)believably patient with seller while she worked personal issues out and had to delay shipment. However, it never came later, and then seller would not respond. Requested refund, then had to wait for Listia!! Bad business. "
"I received it and its beautiful!! I might ... " (more) be asking you for some sewing pointers because ive just recently got back into it, and all your lines are so perfect on it. Looks professional and factory made!! You did splendid work and im so proud to have it!"
"My apologies for opening up a refund request. I ... " (more)’m used to people marking as sent but I just assumed you didn’t send this. I just got it today and it’s perfect! Thank you so much! I feel horrible "